Nexus Prime maybe the next must have smartphone coming out from Samsung. While Samsung has the new Epic 4G Touch which is based on the Samsung Galaxy S II line. Samsung is expected to make an official announcement next week unveiling the Nexus Prime. Also heavy hitters like HTC, Nokia and LG are expected to release new handsets of their own. In an already crowded market sharp is stepping in to the smart phone world, even as Hewlett Packard may be stepping down and abandoning webos. How will recent HP Touchpad owners fair without any real support. Rumor has it that Motorola is resurrecting their Razor name brand, will can all remember how that phone revolutionized the cellphone and the market. Motorola has been fairing very well with their Droid brand as well as with the fan favorite tablet Xoom tablet. With all this said the competition seems to be stacked against the iPhone public enemy number 1. Everyone seems to want the number one spot. An achievable goal but the question is with technology advancing so rapidly how long can the top spot be held at any given time? The next question would be are you team Android or team iOS?
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